Selasa, 27 September 2011

Camera Traps Capture Animals In The Jungle Of Indonesia

A 10-month records of the video camera traps to the north of the mountain jungles of Indonesia are summarized in five minutes procession of life of the rainforest.

The footage was captured in August, the eyes of a project initiated by Dutch Leuser Marten peace Slothouwer to document the richness of the region of Leuser.

Its name derives from a local tribal word meaning "cloudy," Leuser is threatened by logging and development, but the history of the region is far from bleak. Thanks to the efforts of local and international an area three times the size of Yellowstone National Park has been designated for protection.

This protection is not always enforced, said Mike Griffiths kept, but the situation has improved since the mid-1980s, when he left an oil company job and moved to Leuser to help protect .

"We stopped at the plantation of trees, the recording stopped, we stopped large dams," said Griffiths. "What the video of the mountain now show us is that we have not lost much. Life begins to return well enough."

Among the animals seen in the video are cats and cats golden marble, two medium-sized feline predator, and the largest of all cats: Panthera tigris.

"We hope to be able to sustain a population of about 400 tigers, which we believe is the minimum to maintain a viable population. This is one of the few places on earth where you can do," said Griffiths.

The presence of predators Videos indicates a healthy ecosystem. "If you get a good variety of predators, which means that they are eating are still around," he said. Video in the future, she hopes to find evidence of elephants, which were once numerous in Leuser.

"The region is recovering really being thrown," said Griffiths. "In another 15 or 20 years, the woods are great again."


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