Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

How Could The Great Fire Of Kindle Tables 7 Inches

Steve Jobs made it clear what he thought of seven-inch tablet in October 2010. They are "too small" and as good as "dead on arrival." But the announcement of the tablet and the anticipation Amazon Kindle the fire may soon have jobs to eat his words.

If you lived under a rock, and have not heard the news, Amazon launched its $ 200 7-inch tablet, light the fire this week. Make no mistake: it is not IPAD. There is no camera facing or rear facing and has only 8 GB of storage space.

But it is not intended as an IPAD. It's a completely different kind of pills that are designed to clean the consumer. In other words, it is designed for breast health behaviors: reading, listening to music, watching video content. The lack of local storage is not a problem either, it is designed to take advantage of cloud computing services from Amazon, such as $ 80 per year of service first, and the reader Amazon cloud. And small form factor allows additional portable, easy to whip on the bus or subway (much like a Kindle.)

"With a 7 inch unit, you can easily take your Kindle with fire and you keep it in hand for games and movies to see" Amazon representative Kinley Campbell said by e-mail.

UX design consultant Greg Nudelman believes that a 7-inch tablets could become as popular as the larger 9.7 and 10.1-inch tablets ", but the applications and the length of the link between use and can be very different."

The iPad, although portable, is more difficult to handle with one hand thanks to its large size. And while it is certainly directed toward consumer behavior, IPAD is also trying to break the barrier-mobile PC to become a tool for creating, with programs like iMovie and GarageBand iPad iPad allows users to produce content rather have passively. If you really achieved that or not is subjective (some scoff at the limited capacity of GarageBand), but it is possible and probable that requests of this nature are in the pipeline (or products from third countries).

Amazon's decision to debut small tablet was probably influenced the current operators in the tablet market. 7-inch area of ​​least resistance, DisplaySearch said Richard Shim. Its direct competition is likely to Barnes & Noble Nook color, which also serves as Android touts and a similar form factor as the Apple iPhone.

This is exactly what fueled speed, the creators of the 7-inch tablet running Android Cruz to select the size. "We wanted to avoid comparisons with face-to-head IPAD 10 inches - ours is a very different product that goes after a different audience," says marketing manager Josh Covington.

The small size also allowed the Amazon more easily take a bath with a lower price, just over 7 inches tablet manufacturers must follow to remain competitive. Take HTC, which has lowered the price of its 7-inch tablet Flyer a $ 499 iPhone an affordable amount increased to 299.

Samsung has also jumped on the hype, the use of the card Galaxy Plus 7.0 on Friday. If Samsung can handle the same price, the fire could be another legitimate competitor.

And if it crosses your mind, a 7-inch tablet would be something that Apple probably never start. Apple has had great success with its 9.7-inch iPhone, which launched shortly after beginning to put aside their strong sales and continued ever since. If this does not change for any reason, there is no need for Apple iPhone will launch a small, economically speaking.

Nor is Apple's DNA. Since Steve Jobs, to jump on board with Apple in the late 90s, Apple's success has hinged on innovation, rather than riding on the heels of the reaction of consumers successfully in markets that do not have Take a presence in the market for netbooks, for example: Rather than launch a netbook, Apple introduced the MacBook Air, and then, of course, the iPad.

Part of what prevented the success of the 7-inch tablet, so far, is that they are perceived to be superior to the oversized mobile phone as a tablet, "and that seems to be the heel of Achilles 'mini-pills,'" said Nudelman .

But the genius of the fire is that it is more closely identified with the e-reader from Amazon, online popular smart phones, so it has a definite place in the mind of the user. And now that Amazon has made this distinction clear, the other 7-inch tablet can charge at least try to take advantage of that extra angle of portable media consumption, rather than marketing them in the iPad.

Fire is the dismissal of iPad large tablets and a large screen smartphones, as well as in size and function, helping to ensure a solid niche for any other compressed 7-inch monitor.

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