Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Hopefully Crazy Plot To Bomb Iran's True

The wild story published by the Department of Justice about a plot to assassinate Iran smells suspiciously like something that passes through the digestive tract of a bull. However, the U.S. should expect that to be true. Because Iran is fiercer look like idiots blithering terrorist organization.

According to the criminal complaint filed against Mansour and Gholam Arbabsiar Shakuri Tuesday, agents of the Qods Force of Iran feared, a branch of the jungle Buck-buck-wild and Revolutionary Guards, conspired to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States in Washington, DC You could go to the Embassy of Israel to raise hell. And if the idea of ​​starting a regional war - the most likely outcome of the murder of Iranian diplomats rivals in the Middle East, on American soil, no less - not enough, the Qods Force have searched for a breakthrough with Mexican cartels of drugs.

It's a salad bar fusion safety concerns of the United States. Mad Iranian terrorists and violent Mexican drug traffickers. No wonder that FBI Director Robert Mueller called the plot straight out of Hollywood.

But here's what you should expect it really came down to the government describes how difficult it is to believe.

Entities spun narrative police report, a naturalized U.S. citizen, Arbabsiar, approached by a man from Mexico who was believed to be linked to "a large and violent drug cartel sophisticated traffic" in the spring of 2011. Arbabsiar, who boasted that his cousin was a big cheese, the Iranian military units, was willing to pay a guy $ 1.5 million to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador Adel Al-Jubair. Two men had never met before.

What Arbabsiar did not know was that his party was paid for the reporting agent is the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Arbabsiar claiming to be in favor of his cousin, the Qods force bigwig Shahlai Abdul Reza, Mexico, wired cash. It 'went straight to the bank account to guide the FBI.

If any of this is remotely true, crack Qods Force intelligence work is amazing to watch. Mexican informant reported Arbabsiar calls. They reveal some code words ridiculously bland. Icing is called al-Jubair, "painting houses" - Arbabsiar fixed points for his partner, that could leave the house in mid paintings - and himself al-Jubair was the "Chevrolet".

This leak is suspected to be operating, when he called in Mexico in September, will be arrested at the airport. Arrested, Arbabsiar cracked, and accused the Qods Force, the plot. U.S. officials also had to call his cousin Arbabsiar Enforcer Shakur and participate. "You mean that you buy all the [Chevrolet]?" Shakur said, presumably wheeler-dealer in the same Qods Force.

Qods Force, is not a joke - or until you release the police report, it was hard to think of it as a joke. U.S. accused of smuggling of deadly bombings in Iraq (although sometimes without much evidence). As Thomas Jocelyn Weekly Standard points out, the Qods Force - and in particular Shahlai - was behind one of the most sophisticated and brazen attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq during the war, the ambush is the establishment of Karbala. It is believed to be responsible for the formation and financing of terrorist proxies of Iran, especially Hezbollah.

Which raises the obvious question: why are so sophisticated organization with ties to known terrorists, the risk of creating a new kind of partnership with an unknown group of Mexican drug with such stakes are high? Many have speculated that the land described in the complaint can not be true - or that Shakur was not operational Qods Force, the Iranian government or older knew outlandish plot. "Quds are better than this," former CIA agent Robert Baer told the Washington Post. "If you want to come after you, you were already dead."

Maybe. But let's give the government the benefit of the doubt. If the story really came down to what the government claims, then the most feared army of Iran / intelligence arm looks like a bunch of buffoons miscalculations. And these are the people, David Petraeus, said that the Iranian regime is based on the growing Iranian influence across the Middle East. Calculation error is really dangerous in foreign policy. However, United States - and Jubair - may be able to find solace in the fact that nine out of ten times, incompetence is much worse.

Pale Blue Points: Iconic Images From Space

Dozens of cameras circle of the Planet Earth documentary in detail, but few that offer a view of the world.

The handful of rare visions have shown that "the Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena," wrote the late Carl Sagan in Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the future of humanity in space.

Robotic probes for most of the photos of the Earth and the Moon on its way to the planets, asteroids, comets and even other star systems. However, the practice of taking self-portraits warming is seldom artistically motivated.

"In general, we can do to calibrate instruments and verify the trajectory of a spacecraft. If the point where they think the Earth is and see, then you are probably where you think you are," said planetary scientist Mark Sykes of the Planetary Science Institute.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Astronomers Find Planets Difficult Decade Of Age, Data From The Hubble

In a careful analysis of the Hubble Space Telescope images in 1998, astronomers have found visual evidence of the two exoplanets, have gone unnoticed at the time.

Finding these hidden gems Hubble archive to provide astronomers with a valuable comparison of the time machine, much earlier than the planet's orbital motion data to new discoveries. It also demonstrates a new approach to the hunting world for the storage of the Hubble data.

Four giant planets known to orbit the massive young star HR 8799, which is130 light years. In 2007 and 2008 the first three planets have been discovered in infrared images taken near the ground with the WM Keck Observatory and the Gemini North telescope by Christian Marois, the National Research Council of Canada and his team. Marois and his colleagues found nearby planet fourth in 2010. It is the only system that astronomers have obtained exoplanetary multiple images directly.

In 2009, David Lafrenière, University of Montreal, exoplanet data retrieved hidden in the Hubble images taken in 8799 of HR 1998 with the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS). He identified the position of the outermost known planet of the star's orbit. That first demonstrated the power of a data processing technique for the recovery of new minor planets buried in the brightness of the star.

A reanalysis of the same data archival NICMOS by Remi Soumen the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore has recovered all three outer planets. The fourth closest planet is 1.5 billion miles from the star and is not visible because it is on the edge of the NICMOS corona graphic spot that blocks light from the central star.

Finding planets in multiple images, spread over the years, the orbits plotted. Knowledge of the pathways are crucial for understanding the behavior of multi-planet, because massive planets can affect each other orbits. "From the Hubble images, we can determine the shape of their orbits that provide an overview of the stability of the planet masses and eccentricities, and also the inclination of the system," says Soumen.

These results are published in the Astrophysical Journal.

The three gas giant outer planets is about 100 -, 200 - and 400-year orbit. This means that astronomers have to wait long to see how the planets move along their path. The added time to the Hubble data will help greatly. "The file has been 10 years of science right now," he said. "Without these data, we would have to wait another decade. It's 10 years of science for free."

However, the slower the movement, the outer planet, has just become the station for 10 years. "But if we go to the next inner planet, rarely seen in orbit, and the third inner planet, we will actually see a lot of movement," says Soummer.

The planets were observed in 1998, when Hubble's observations were the first taken since the method used to detect them is not available at this time. When astronomers reduce the light from the star center to search for the afterglow of the planets, the scattering of light was even more planets remaining weak.

Lafrenière developed a way to improve this type of analysis using a library of reference stars more precisely to eliminate the "fingerprint" of the central star light. The team took Soumm Lafrenière method one step further and use 466 images of the stars of a reference library with more than 10 years of NICMOS observations assembled by Glenn Schneider of the University of Arizona.

Soummer team increased the contrast and minimize the rest of the Starlight. They completely removed from the diffraction peaks, which are the objects common to the imaging systems of the telescope. This allowed them to see two poor inner planets, the Hubble data. Planets recovered from NICMOS data are about 1 / 100, 000 brightness of the parent star, when viewed in the near infrared.

Soumen next plans to analyze about 400 other stars in the NICMOS archive with the same technique that improves image quality by a factor of 10 of the imaging methods used where data were collected.

Soummer work shows the power Hubble Space Telescope data archive, which houses the images and spectra of more than twenty years, the Hubble observations. Astronomers use this library to integrate the new discoveries with a lot of valuable information already collected, resulting in a lot of opportunities for the discovery of new experience.

NICMOS data team will meet Soumm file a list of candidates worldwide to be confirmed by ground-based telescopes. If the planets are discovered, they will have several years to measure the orbital motion.

Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and the European Space Agency. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) is implementing the Hubble science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., Washington, DC

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Mattresses Facebook Malware Protection

Facebook has cemented a new partnership to protect its users against malicious links posted on their walls, new son, and other places in the social network. You know, these links from someone you have not seen for years, to encourage you to click on the images of how "WAZ you sooo mad at the party last night" or some of them. Click one and you could offer all sorts of nasty things to your account and even your hard drive.

Facebook will now use Websense to suppress a little tighter, adding the company "Advanced Classification Engine" on the rear end. When a user clicks on a link in Facebook, it is the ACE, who lives in the clouds, and is constantly new threats. If the CAE has already classified the site as a threat, it sends a warning to the user.

ACE is the same technology behind TRITON security suite used by many companies, so it's fast enough to return to new bugs and malicious campaigns and rank, but that does not mean it will be fast enough to catch all the bad link on Facebook, until a few users to click.

A link that goes viral is a social network can often spread faster than any other - and the link to the virus when it also happens to be the access of the virus to the list of friends and reset itself without your permission, may soon to be found anywhere. The good news is, the faster it spreads, the faster the ACE are likely to collect and classify it as miserable.

Facebook hopes that with the addition of a new security partnership with the current arsenal of defense to reduce the window of vulnerability - the time between when a threat to the cultivation, and when it was identified, cataloged, and the warnings go out.

Facebook was not completely naked, before integrating the Websense service. It has its own security systems, and has developed deals with the likes of McAfee in the past. Websense has also provided the Facebook application called Defensio, which provides filtering and control the content posted on the walls of the Users', for some time.

Follow Eric on Twitter, and ericmack.org. Follow on Twitter PC World as well.

You've never seen the sun like this before! NASA Satellite Shows Incredible Detail Boiling Sun

It is a view of the sun like no other. These beautiful images show the inner workings of our hot stars in a way that no human eye could expect to detect.

Mesmerizing images, taken by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO satellite show the sun's energy thrown out wavelengths invisible to the human eye, such as X-rays and ultraviolet light. He gave us a new understanding of how a star.

Images of clarity means that SDO will feedback to the NASA Earth broader scientific data on the sun than any other spacecraft. Every day sends 1.5 terabytes of data, equivalent to 500 000 songs on an MP3 player.

Some images show details never seen the broadcast equipment to the outside and away from sunspots. Other shows close-ups of the activity on the solar surface.

The satellite was launched in February 2010 and Chief Scientist Dean Pesnell said he has already reshaped our theories about how a star works - and to allow an overview of the recent activity of violence on the surface of the star.

During his five-year mission, will examine the sun's magnetic field and provide a better understanding of the role of the Sun on Earth's climate.

It determines how the Sun's magnetic field is generated and converted to violent solar events such as the solar wind turbulence.

The hope is to help researchers learn SDO solar flares can damage communications satellites and power supplies.

NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, in February 2010.

It is a five-year mission that is expected to cost $ 855million.

Spacecraft, in orbit 22 000 miles above the town, is a 7.2ft by 14.8ft.

The solar panels are around 21ft and produces 1450W of power.

Instruments on board have add-on armor, as it is within the limits of the radiation belt of the Earth where the levels are quite high.

The spacecraft carries three instruments for ultra-high-resolution images of the sun every minute.

It is also able to study the solar pressure waves generated in its surface.

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

How Could The Great Fire Of Kindle Tables 7 Inches

Steve Jobs made it clear what he thought of seven-inch tablet in October 2010. They are "too small" and as good as "dead on arrival." But the announcement of the tablet and the anticipation Amazon Kindle the fire may soon have jobs to eat his words.

If you lived under a rock, and have not heard the news, Amazon launched its $ 200 7-inch tablet, light the fire this week. Make no mistake: it is not IPAD. There is no camera facing or rear facing and has only 8 GB of storage space.

But it is not intended as an IPAD. It's a completely different kind of pills that are designed to clean the consumer. In other words, it is designed for breast health behaviors: reading, listening to music, watching video content. The lack of local storage is not a problem either, it is designed to take advantage of cloud computing services from Amazon, such as $ 80 per year of service first, and the reader Amazon cloud. And small form factor allows additional portable, easy to whip on the bus or subway (much like a Kindle.)

"With a 7 inch unit, you can easily take your Kindle with fire and you keep it in hand for games and movies to see" Amazon representative Kinley Campbell said by e-mail.

UX design consultant Greg Nudelman believes that a 7-inch tablets could become as popular as the larger 9.7 and 10.1-inch tablets ", but the applications and the length of the link between use and can be very different."

The iPad, although portable, is more difficult to handle with one hand thanks to its large size. And while it is certainly directed toward consumer behavior, IPAD is also trying to break the barrier-mobile PC to become a tool for creating, with programs like iMovie and GarageBand iPad iPad allows users to produce content rather have passively. If you really achieved that or not is subjective (some scoff at the limited capacity of GarageBand), but it is possible and probable that requests of this nature are in the pipeline (or products from third countries).

Amazon's decision to debut small tablet was probably influenced the current operators in the tablet market. 7-inch area of ​​least resistance, DisplaySearch said Richard Shim. Its direct competition is likely to Barnes & Noble Nook color, which also serves as Android touts and a similar form factor as the Apple iPhone.

This is exactly what fueled speed, the creators of the 7-inch tablet running Android Cruz to select the size. "We wanted to avoid comparisons with face-to-head IPAD 10 inches - ours is a very different product that goes after a different audience," says marketing manager Josh Covington.

The small size also allowed the Amazon more easily take a bath with a lower price, just over 7 inches tablet manufacturers must follow to remain competitive. Take HTC, which has lowered the price of its 7-inch tablet Flyer a $ 499 iPhone an affordable amount increased to 299.

Samsung has also jumped on the hype, the use of the card Galaxy Plus 7.0 on Friday. If Samsung can handle the same price, the fire could be another legitimate competitor.

And if it crosses your mind, a 7-inch tablet would be something that Apple probably never start. Apple has had great success with its 9.7-inch iPhone, which launched shortly after beginning to put aside their strong sales and continued ever since. If this does not change for any reason, there is no need for Apple iPhone will launch a small, economically speaking.

Nor is Apple's DNA. Since Steve Jobs, to jump on board with Apple in the late 90s, Apple's success has hinged on innovation, rather than riding on the heels of the reaction of consumers successfully in markets that do not have Take a presence in the market for netbooks, for example: Rather than launch a netbook, Apple introduced the MacBook Air, and then, of course, the iPad.

Part of what prevented the success of the 7-inch tablet, so far, is that they are perceived to be superior to the oversized mobile phone as a tablet, "and that seems to be the heel of Achilles 'mini-pills,'" said Nudelman .

But the genius of the fire is that it is more closely identified with the e-reader from Amazon, online popular smart phones, so it has a definite place in the mind of the user. And now that Amazon has made this distinction clear, the other 7-inch tablet can charge at least try to take advantage of that extra angle of portable media consumption, rather than marketing them in the iPad.

Fire is the dismissal of iPad large tablets and a large screen smartphones, as well as in size and function, helping to ensure a solid niche for any other compressed 7-inch monitor.

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

PC Games; Rage (2011/ENG/MULTI3) [STEAM PRE-LOAD]

When humanity was threatened with destruction from the collision of Earth with a giant asteroid, the leaders of all nations agreed to create a special ark, where elected officials have found refuge deep beneath the surface of the planet ... They have to restart life on Earth, after the danger has passed. You have a favorite. Years after the disaster sheet was opened, and you find yourself in a world that is much different than before. But most important - not all residents are looking forward to your return. You must learn to fight and survive. Remember that time is very low - the bandits, mutants and even local authorities are already under way.


Shooting and explosions. Destroy the thugs and mutants first person mode, using a variety of models of weapons, including boomerangs, towers portable, robotic, radio controlled cars and watch the explosives.

Herbie: Fully Loaded. Fight to drive your own car that is perfect for traveling over rough terrain and is equipped with powerful weapons. Improve and paint his "iron horse" to install a new weapon - check yourself in battle with the bandits and mutants who do not know mercy.

At a crossroads. Understand the twists and exciting story of the campaign, a team with friends in co-op, or join a multiplayer battle hot.

Something for everyone. RAGE is not limited to fight in a first person and shoot cars. World, survived a disaster, is open for research: to expect with colorful characters, quests, and, of course, a fascinating history.

Post-apocalyptic beauty. New game engine, id Tech 5 is optimized to reconstruct the landscape on the screen is excellent and highly detailed with maintaining the same number of frames per second in both static and dynamic.

System requirements:
- Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Seven;
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad or AMD equivalent production
- Memory: 4GB
- Graphics Card: GeForce 9800 GTX, ATI Radeon HD 5550
- Free hard drive space: 25 GB

Rage ... ... ...




PC Games; Driver San Francisco (2011/Multi2/RePack by PUNISHER)

With Crime Lord Charles Jericho now on the loose in San Francisco is facing a terrible threat. One man can oppose him. He was running in the streets hundreds of cities, has spent his entire life to putting criminals behind bars. But to take Jericho down, we can not go back, and he knows that this may very well be their last trip. His name is John Tanner. It is the driver. Driver: San Francisco marks the return of driving successful franchise. Players player John Tanner, a hardened detective involved in a relentless hunt across the city by the bay. Thank you to feature a revolutionary gameplay, players can now seamlessly switch between more than one hundred vehicles licensed to keep them constantly in the heart of the action. With its timeless, unique car handling and re-playability, Driver: San Francisco offers free, classic movie car chase experience.

Game features:

- CAR CHASE real experience

Rediscover the feeling of driving the driver, the film: the bulk suspension, the length of the drift, Hollywood-style crashes and high speed chases in heavy traffic. Drive more than 130 muscle cars and fully destructible realistic management and customization features that are quick action at the next level.


Reveal the exciting story of a character based on a personal revenge fuels Tanner merciless manhunt and Jericho. Follow Tanner survival race in San Francisco and then to find out how this chase takes him to the point of no return.


As Tanner is recovering from a terrible accident, he realizes that he has acquired a new ability, MAJ, allowing you to instantly change the vehicles and take control. Experience unprecedented intensity, diversity and freedom in the fastest car in exchange for the deployment of civilian vehicles to destroy their enemies and even take control of his car to force opponents of his disappearance. Change can also exciting multiplayer modes in the game.

- A car chase PLAYGROUND

Drive over 200 square kilometers of roads, the Golden Gate Bridge and through San Francisco's legendary sites. Change from car to car and dive into the lives of different people, spinning a variety of characters, each with a unique perspective in a besieged city.

- Multiplayer Mayhem

Experience 11 engaging multiplayer modes, including six on-line facilities with Shift function allows players to be anywhere at any time.


Save your best tricks and how to repeat the action with the director to edit and share your movies. Test your driving skills in difficult races, dare 20 and 80 throughout the city. Listen to more than 60 pieces of music with songs from famous artists, not to mention the original theme DRIVER memorable.

* Operating system: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* Processor: Intel Pentium D 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400 + 2.2GHz
* RAM: 1GB for Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista / 7
* Hard drive: 10 GB of free disk space
* Graphics card: 256 MB of graphics memory with Shader Model 4.0
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c

Repack Features:
- Nothing recoded
- Cut the soundtrack of the video, but Russian and English
- Repack Author: The Punisher

Download :

Driver San fransisco ... ....

Download from Wupload(Mirror)

The New IPhone Could Slow The Need For Reading Glasses

GlassesOff iPhone to be launched next year, people who normally read on after the age at which they would otherwise need glasses, its developers said.

It works by training the mind to blur the clear, to compensate for the deterioration of the eye that prevents us from focusing on nearby objects.

Uri Polat, Tel Aviv University in Israel and co-founder Ucansi, the company that designed the software, told the magazine New Scientist: "We use the brain as the glasses."

When we reach our fifties lenses in our eyes become less flexible, which means it is harder for them to focus on objects close to us.

The new application appears to groups of blurred lines is known as Gabor patches at multiple points across the screen and the user must identify when you look in the middle.

After use, the app 40 times, the average age of 51 users can read the two lines below the diagram of a 40 cm optical placed on their faces - reduction of the "Eye Age" from 50.5 to 41.9 years.

They were also able to read the page, the New York Times, an average of 5.3 minutes, while more than 12 minutes before using the application.

App should cost around £ 60 for three-month training program, after which a small monthly top-up payment of less regular "maintenance" exercises.

Lee Duffner, an ophthalmologist based in Hollywood, said the technology could postpone the need for older people to buy reading glasses.

Jumat, 30 September 2011

Lenovo ThinkPad X220: Ultraportable A Best-of-Breed

The Lenovo ThinkPad X220 ultraportable replaces the X201, is sure to be a hit with fans of ThinkPad - and, above all. It's fast and lightweight, with a 12.5-inch wide, and continues the tradition of the entry of the company excellent ergonomics, a touchpad with no buttons and keyboard innovative long career. It also provides an excellent battery life that can be stretched to a whopping 23 hours with a mounting bracket of the battery. The downside? Not much, really. Shaped box of laptop, pragmatics and the bridge a bit crowded keyboard may lack sex appeal that some users are looking for.

The exact prices for different configurations of ThinkPad X220 is not available at this time: The starting price should be $ 979, with additional costs for the best processors, SSD instead of standard hard drives and more RAM. Wide range of Intel Core i7 processors Core i3, the unit supports up to 8 GB of system memory and storage options to start with a hard disk of 160 GB hard drive and finish with a 160 GB SSD. The above 12.5 inches, 1366 x 768 pixels is available in two versions: one with an IPS panel for wider viewing angles, and one without.

Our test model for $ 1,299 (the March 25, 2011) - with its 2.5GHz processor Core i5-2520m, 4 GB DDR3 system memory and 7200 rpm, 320 GB hard drive - became an excellent rating WorldBench of 6122. Not only that, but the Intel integrated graphics GPU HD 3000 actually got frame rates in some of our gaming tests of light, reaching 41 fps at 1024 x 768 Unreal Tournament 3 with medium detail, and 32.5 fps high details. And movies in 1080p, but the variety of broadband to play as well as you could wish for. Performance of all jobs outside of gaming enthusiasts and workstations for high-end 3D applications is not a problem with the X220.

Some of these keys are a bit rare in the ThinkPad X220 as CES and extra-large Delete key above the keys in alphabetical order. However, unlike the key characteristics of other providers, not help, hinder your writing. As usual for Lenovo, the feeling of reaching the keyboard is simply excellent. The touchpad is a model without button - you press the left or right before you click, making it easier to use than standard buttons when using the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Normal two Buttons are placed above the touch screen, and Lenovo TrackPoint device Eraserhead is also present. Muting the microphone and webcam 720p join the dual control volume and ThinkVantage buttons (toolbox) above the keyboard cover.

X220 Battery life is excellent, and you can get the best options. Our test car with a six-cell battery, ran a cool 7 hours, 15 minutes. You can also choose from three different phones and batteries of nine main cells, less weight, or time in the long run, and at the bottom to add $ 179 extra battery. Slide adds 0.4 cm thick, but almost double the battery life of more than 14.5 hours. World traveler, the extra 1.6 kg weight, and most acceptable compromise.

The ports and connectivity in the X220 is top notch. The system has three USB ports, one of which is on (for charging cell phones and other), even when the laptop is off. Optionally, the Core i7 processor, a USB 3.0 port can be. You will also find an ExpressCard slot, SD card slot, switch, Wi-Fi, a VGA port and a Gigabit Ethernet port. A dock is available with a multiformat burner, onboard Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi 802.11n dual-band (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz). Our test laptop came with IBM finger biometric sensor to facilitate the sliding of security.

If there is something to watch out for the X220 is the number of "value added" applications and processes background unnecessary. Windows 7 operating system business has almost all functions of the software, you need a laptop, but on our machine a look at the Windows Task Manager revealed that nearly 90 ongoing process, and nearly 30 percent memory usage - without a single-user program running. One or two basic applications are valid, such as Bluetooth or manager tool that stops the hard drive if dropped, but the extra battery meter and WiFi dealers are usually unnecessary. A trial version of Norton Internet Security and Microsoft Office 2010 Starter is provided.

ThinkPad users will not find any mind blowingly different from this last series x2xx, but the improvements are significant, and all will improve the usability of the system. If you are not looking for super-sexy laptop, or if you are trying to get out cheaply, the Lenovo ThinkPad X220 is better than going to an ultraportable.

What to Expect From Apple’s 2011 iPhone Event

Steve Jobs might not be presiding over this year’s long-awaited iPhone announcement, however that’s not putting a damper on any of the joy. Rumors of the coveted new mystery product (or products) are swirling for months, however Apple can finally pull back the curtain at its Oct. 4 event.

Hard and quick details are few and much between, however we’ve got a fairly smart chronicle in predicting new iPhone and MacBook announcements within the past. therefore we’ve taken a glance at what very little info there's obtainable, and here’s what we expect is awaiting us down at one Infinite Loop return Tuesday morning.

The Next iPhone
Powering the iPhone five can possible be an A5 processor, as it’s been noticed in purported photos of the next-gen model’s insides. the newest news conjointly points to the iPhone five touting one GB of RAM, that makes for higher gaming, browsing and a lot of memory-intensive tasks.

The rear-facing camera may conjointly get a bump up from the present iPhone’s five megapixels to a sharper eight megapixels. That’s the magic range for the business currently, with Android smartphones just like the Samsung Galaxy S II and Motorola Droid three already touting the maximum amount. Photography is vital to the iPhone expertise — particularly with iOS-only apps just like the ever-popular Instagram — and that we don’t see Apple skimping out in that space.

Appearance-wise, the iPhone five could sport a replacement metal back, as opposition the iPhone 4’s glass-covered rear. Case style mock-ups purpose to a tool that’s incredibly skinny, with tapered edges and a bigger, edge-to-edge show. variety of mock-ups and case styles are showing an elongated hardware home button on the device, that looks somewhat odd to us, as we tend to thought Apple would be a lot of possible to get rid of some hardware and switch that button into a capacitive-touch house.

A Budget iPhone
We were inititally skeptical that Apple would unharness 2 iPhones this fall, a replacement iPhone and an incrementally updated or budget “iPhone 4S.” however hints from completely different sources recommend that a budget “iPhone 4S” may terribly possible build an look at Apple’s iPhone event.

For one, Apple board member Al Gore used the plural kind when he said there would be “iPhones popping out next month” at a conference he spoke at in September.

CEO Tim Cook conjointly previously stated that Apple wouldn't be “ceding any market” which “price could be a huge consider the prepaid market.” Feature phones conjure with reference to two-thirds of the nation’s movable scene (not to say foreign markets like China and India, where the prepaid phone market is huge). By manufacturing a budget iPhone, with reduced storage capability and cheaper information arrange choices, Apple may reach out to an outsized portion of the market that’s been holding out on buying a smartphone.

Sprint iPhone, No T-Mobile iPhone
In a shot to achieve ground among the growing legion of Android users, Apple could introduce the iPhone to a 3rd carrier — particularly, Sprint — additionally to its existing relationships with AT&T and Verizon.

Increased distribution could be a key part of Apple’s selling strategy, per Shing Yin of Citadel Securities, a footing that wasn’t a significant concern when the iPhone initially embarked on the smartphone house.

T-Mobile recently confirmed it'll not be carrying the iPhone this year. T-Mobile subscribers can need to get their smartphone kicks with Android, that the network is wholly embracing.

iOS 5
We’ve seen an iOS five preview at WWDC 2011 earlier this year, and it’s been obtainable to developers in beta kind for a few time, therefore there aren't any surprises here. With iOS 5, ensuing iPhone can house variety of options currently accomplished by third-party apps. Examples embrace photo editing (something Camera+ currently excels at), image and document sharing (which falls within the realm of Dropbox) and a “Read Later” functionality (currently performed by Instapaper).

iOS conjointly seamlessly integrates SMS and MMS messaging with iMessage and can permit for FaceTime-ing over a 3G association instead of simply a Wi-Fi association.

Voice management
One of the newest bits of exciting news we tend to could also be seeing Tuesday is that the introduction of voice management on the iPhone. This purportedly comes by approach of a feature referred to as Assistant, a chunk of software designed by Siri, a start-up Apple purchased in 2010. Assistant can solely be able to run on the iPhone five, because it needs its beefed up CPU and extra memory.

Assistant would allow you to tell your phone one thing like “Send a text message to Joe Schmoe saying I’m getting to be in city next Wednesday,” and then it'd complete the task. it'd even have a conversation mode to glean a lot of info from the user so as to produce optimal results.

No Steve Jobs
It’s unlikely that Steve Jobs can build a surprise look at this year’s iPhone announcement. Jobs stepped down as CEO. It’s new CEO Tim Cook’s time to shine currently, and his place to steer the event. Like past announcements, there'll in all probability be some of executives — VPs like Jonathan Ive and Phil Schiller — taking turns introducing and demonstrating the varied new and improved options of the phone. however Steve Jobs won't be stepping out from behind a black curtain. If there’s “One a lot of thing…,” Mr. Cook are the one dangling the carrot on a string.


Kamis, 29 September 2011

How to Hatch a Dinosaur

People have said to Jack Horner, he is crazy before, but it has always proved to be true. In 1982, with seven years of undergraduate work, a passage in the Marines, and a concert as a researcher paleontology at Princeton Horner got a job at Montana State University Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman. He was hired as a preservative, but soon told his bosses he wanted to teach paleontology. "They said this would not happen," recalls Horner. Four years and a MacArthur genius grant later, "they told me to do what I wanted." Horner, 65, continues to work at the museum now filled with his discoveries. He has not an academic.

As a child in the 1950s, the dinosaurs were reptiles was mainly cold, lonely animals, real monsters. Horner did not agree with this image. He saw hundreds of millions of dollars a year of sociability tips skeletons, animals living in herds, unlike modern reptiles. Then in the 1970s, searched Horner and his friend Bob Makela discovered one of the most spectacular dinosaur still a huge nesting site common duck-billed dinosaurs in northwestern Montana, with adult fossils, the young and eggs. They found evidence of many a crazy idea: parents on the site took care of their young. Judging from their skeletons, the child would duckbills were too weak to eat on their own.

Horner was to find evidence to suggest that, once born, the animals were growing rapidly (crazy idea number two) and possibly warm-blooded (that would be three) and continues to lead in searching for antiques organic matter in fossils survived intact (number four). Add in his work as technical consultant on the movie Jurassic Park and Horner has probably done more to shape the way we currently think about any paleontologist dinosaurs alive.

All this means that people are more attentive to the caller crazy these days, even when he said what he intends to do next: Jack Horner wants to make a dinosaur. Not from scratch, do not be ridiculous. He says he will do so by developing a reverse-chicken. "It's crazy," said Horner. "But it is also possible."

In recent decades, paleontologists, including Horner, found sufficient evidence to show that modern birds descended from dinosaurs, but the way they lay their eggs in the nests of the details of bony anatomy. In fact, there are so many similarities that most scientists agree that birds are really dinosaurs, the most closely related to two-legged carnivorous theropods such as Tyrannosaurus rex and Velociraptor.

However, "closely related" means something different for evolutionary biologists is needed, for example, people who write the laws of incest. Everything is relative: Humans are almost indistinguishable, genetically speaking, chimpanzees, but on this scale, they are also very difficult to distinguish, for example, bats.

Tips for long-extinct creatures, evolution of the echoes of the past, sometimes arise in the real world, they are called atavisms, one of the few people born with distinctive evolutionary antecedents. The whales are sometimes born in the contours are reminiscent of the hind limbs. Human babies enter the world, sometimes with fur, her nipples more, or very rarely, a queue itself. Horner's plan is basically to start creating a atavisms experimental laboratory. Old enough to activate the properties of a single chicken, reasoning, and you'll find something close enough to be the ancestors, "Saurus". At least that's what launched this year's TED conference, an annual gathering of the Technology, Entertainment and Design held in Long Beach, California. "When I grew up in Montana, I had two dreams," he told the crowd. "I wanted to be a paleontologist, a dinosaur paleontologist, and I wanted to have a pet dinosaur."

Already, the researchers found disturbing evidence that at least some of the old dinosaur may be activated again. Horner is the first to admit that they did not know enough to do the job himself, so he is actively searching for mates developmental biology post-doc to join his laboratory group in Montana. Horner has big ideas, and seed funding.

Now all I had to make it happen, she told the TED audience, had a couple of steps forward in evolutionary biology and genetics and all the chicken eggs that could get my hands on. "What we're trying to make is that we need to channel it, edit it, and do," he said, "chickenosaurus".

No Joking: Feynman Is Brilliant

I have a confession: I did not really know much about Richard Feynman. Well, ok, I knew a little role to Los Alamos from a history class and I knew little about his personality and unconventional love to play tricks, but I had not read or saw one of his lectures, or read every biography until recently.

Last month, the first books published second Feynman, a comics biography of the "smartest man in the world" written by Jim Ottaviani and illustrated by Leland Myrick. Ottaviani is no stranger to this type of non-fiction comics. He wrote a couple of comics based on science such as T-Minus: The Race to the Moon, a comic book biography of Niels Bohr, and Fallout, a book I read years on manufacturing the atomic bomb.

Feynman is primarily a chronological biography of Feynman, after both their professional and private life. Switch back and forth a bit ', but most of it is presented in order of time in college working in the bomb to win the Nobel Prize for his work in quantum electrodynamics (QED). There are stories of her younger sister, Joanna, who was discouraged to go to their parents, but I ended up science scientist anyway. When we follow Feynman at Los Alamos, the story does not focus on the actual work he has done, but also take advantage of his safecracking, and his frustration is directed at a specific type of military solution to the problem.

The book is brilliantly written. Ottaviani Feynman makes the times, sometimes with comic VoiceOver, and sometimes to transmit information through interviews with Feynman's having with other people. Why is comic, Myrick will be able to make free graphics, from time to time at the top of Feynman's thoughts on reality, says visual effects Beautiful Mind. There are also some parts of QED that show, and secular terms short, what Feynman was awarded the work around. These were a series of lectures in New Zealand, attempts to explain his work, he is a scientist friend Alix. All have been carefully studied, and at the end of Ottaviani offers long list of sources to show where he got his information, and give the reader a starting point for further discussion of Feynman.

The artwork looks like Myrick established and is fun to watch. They quickly get used to Feynman crooked smile and tousled hair. No detail is enough to evoke the scene, but it will not photorealistic or action Marvel dynamic style. Instead, you get a style that seems perfectly suited for connecting a biography: it is true that you know what events are real, but abstract enough to not assume that everything is word for word, either.

If you are a fan of Feynman, or, like me, only to dip their fingers in the subject, Feynman was an excellent portrait of a fascinating man. When you're reading this, I am very interested to follow some of Feynman's own writings, even if my body is a bit 'rusty.

You can pick Feynman Amazon or directly from MacMillan (parent company of First Second). You can also see flashes of some of the inside pages of the site MacMillan. Finally, here's a short video trailer for the book that shows some pictures of the book, put the audio plays drums Feynman:

Ex-NASA Man Squeezes Cloud-ROM, USB Stick

Yes, you can adapt a cloud in a USB key.

Founded by a number of the brain, which has become pregnant OpenStack - platform open-source software to build Amazon-like "cloud infrastructure" - San Francisco startup Stitch Cloud Computing has reduced the platform on a Memory Stick to simplify the creation of such clouds behind a firewall.

Set for unveiling to the open-stack next week's conference in Boston, this "key cloud" includes piston is based on Linux Pentos. According to the company when deployed in a key network switch allows you to configure an open cell cloud in a few minutes.

"This is the startup disk of your private cloud", says CEO Joshua McKenty piston Wired, and said the key was inspired by the old firewall Linux-based mobile floppyfw. "It takes all the settings on the hardware side. Let the program is contained in the servers to work."

McKenty the way described, a key administrator connects to a PC and sets the parameters of a cloud - an online service that provides access to highly scalable resources, including computing power and storage. A technician takes the key in the data center and connects to the network switch in a rack of servers. According McKenty, Pentos load the appropriate servers automatically detects and configures the cloud.

Cloud set to ram the key is presentation of the conference next week in Boston OpenStack. In addition, to facilitate the installation process, you will improve the safety of "private cloud". McKenty key, he says, you can limit an employee to access the server, and is one of the first products to adopt cloud auditorium, newly standard designed to ensure that the cloud follows the Federal Internet Security Management Act, HIPAA, PCI and other legal requirements.

McKenty was technical architect of the project of NASA Nebula, an effort to build an Amazon EC2 cloud infrastructure-like to use within the European Space Agency and the entire federal government. Last year, NASA open source code behind the project, and he was soon joined Rackspace vendors to create open-cell project. The code was nebulous platform open stack and open source Rackspace code for the storage platform.

NASA originally built nebula with Eucalyptus, an open source project started at the University of California at Santa Barbara. But after the foundation launched a home for the Eucalyptus platform marketing, the space agency has estimated that the project was not as open as could be, could not contribute the code you need help. At least in part, OpenStack is a response to these frustrations.

"We are committed to maintain this openness," McKenty said before the piston hosts have meetings every week with what could be considered as competitors in the space of cloud computing. They share the same beer, he adds. But it has a very different approach than VMware, which occupies the same space with its own platform vCloud. "Linux is against VMWare vs Microsoft OpenStack again," he said.

History Explosive Volcanic Mercury Revealed

Smallest planet and the solar system's innermost came into focus more than before. Although only half of his first year in orbit around Mercury, the MESSENGER spacecraft has revealed that the planet has had a much more dynamic than previously imagined and fire.

"The data obtained by the MESSENGER image system in a few months ago, has revolutionized the way we think about volcanism on Mercury," said geologist James Head of Brown University, science team member at a conference probe NASA press release today. The team also published a series of seven articles in the journal Science with his new discoveries.

Mercury is the densest of all planets in the solar system, and consists of about 60 percent iron - twice that of Earth. How on earth ended much iron is one of the major mysteries of the planet. Learn more about its formation and history in early May the researchers a much better understanding of our own solar system and around other stars.

Previously, scientists have known most of Mercury's surface has been modified by volcanic activity. With the Mariner 10 flyby in 1970 could not definitively determine whether the formations on the surface due to volcanic activity or impact craters. But now, Messenger, in orbit, the data from this small planet, finally in sight.


Young Crater

Debussy Crater along radial spokes formed when an asteroid impact crater ejecta sent flying in all directions, forming secondary craters and discover the field of youth. Because of its brightness, Debussy is thought to be a relatively young crater, as the solar wind causes the planet's surface to darken over time. MESSENGER is significant that the two impacts, such as volcanic activity and were important in the history of Mercury.

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Camera Traps Capture Animals In The Jungle Of Indonesia

A 10-month records of the video camera traps to the north of the mountain jungles of Indonesia are summarized in five minutes procession of life of the rainforest.

The footage was captured in August, the eyes of a project initiated by Dutch Leuser Marten peace Slothouwer to document the richness of the region of Leuser.

Its name derives from a local tribal word meaning "cloudy," Leuser is threatened by logging and development, but the history of the region is far from bleak. Thanks to the efforts of local and international an area three times the size of Yellowstone National Park has been designated for protection.

This protection is not always enforced, said Mike Griffiths kept, but the situation has improved since the mid-1980s, when he left an oil company job and moved to Leuser to help protect .

"We stopped at the plantation of trees, the recording stopped, we stopped large dams," said Griffiths. "What the video of the mountain now show us is that we have not lost much. Life begins to return well enough."

Among the animals seen in the video are cats and cats golden marble, two medium-sized feline predator, and the largest of all cats: Panthera tigris.

"We hope to be able to sustain a population of about 400 tigers, which we believe is the minimum to maintain a viable population. This is one of the few places on earth where you can do," said Griffiths.

The presence of predators Videos indicates a healthy ecosystem. "If you get a good variety of predators, which means that they are eating are still around," he said. Video in the future, she hopes to find evidence of elephants, which were once numerous in Leuser.

"The region is recovering really being thrown," said Griffiths. "In another 15 or 20 years, the woods are great again."


Senin, 26 September 2011

Fallout: New Vegas (2010/ENG/RIP By JoeKkerr)

Welcome to New Vegas - a city of dreamers and fortune hunters. Three groups are fighting a ruthless control of this oasis in the post-apocalyptic desert. Those who are well armed and knows what she wants, has quickly become famous, but in the end a lot of enemies. Making the hard way, the hot Mojave Desert, go to the Hoover Dam, walk the streets of neon-glittering Las Vegas. Along the way, they encounter many colorful characters involved in clashes between factions of power hungry, and fight the mutants of every color and size, and power a unique weapon. Decide who is your ally, or by choosing the path of the individual hero, stand-edinovlastnym King of New Vegas.


- Hot Vegas. Explore the vast - from the provincial towns scattered across the Mojave desert, the beautiful bright lights of the street in New Vegas
- Your word. The war between the rival factions will forever change the lives of city residents. The parties to this conflict that takes everything depends: who would have to meet and communicate, to be faithful companions, and - a declared enemy, and of course, the final struggle for power
- New ideas. The new system of communication with partners, reputation system - remember, flashback, and react, as "Hardcore" - for those not looking for simple ways, special techniques of unarmed combat
- To arms! Arsenal is twice represented in Fallout 3: Now you have more than enough resources to adequately respond to any threat. Moreover, the Vault-Tec engineers have developed a new weapon system configuration that will repair and modify all dangerous "toys" in any place at any time
- Total chaos. This is a huge world, you are free to choose their own path. Travel and tourism, fighting shoulder to shoulder with those who think it's worth, or become a lone hero - it's your world, your game!


- Operating System: Microsoft? Windows? XP? / Windows? Vista? / Windows? 7even?
- Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.4 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon 64 4000 +
- Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista / 7)
- Graphics Card: 3D graphics card with 256 MB of memory, compatible with DirectX? 9.0 and supports Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA? GeForce? 6600 / ATI? Radeon X1300 GTO or better)
- Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c
- Hard Drive: 10 GB
- Utilities: DirectX 9.0c
- Controls: Keyboard and Mouse

RIP'a features:

- It is based on the license - Bethesda Softworks -
- The audio quality is 100%
- The video quality is 100%
- Cut open the video, and in all languages? In addition to English (voice user interface and English)
- Do not recoded
- Enclose compressed SKIDROW
- Requires at least 1 GB of RAM for installation
- Requires at least 10 GB of free disk space
- Installation time: 15-20 minutes ~
- Rasterized from [JoeKkerr]

Screenshoot :



